Holden leaves Pency due to the fact that he cannot handle the morons and the phonies at his school. He realizes that it would be easier to leave earlier than the actual day he is supposed to. Before he left, Holden put on his red hunting cap and yelled out, “sleep tight ya morons!” Then after, he looks at the hallways and begins to cry. Holden starts to cry because he feels as if he never accomplishes anything. He never finishes what he has started. It could be the burden of being the only child in his family that is not successful in life. After being kicked out of a very prestigious school, and never having the chance to wear those hockey skates that his mother gave him makes him depressed inside. In the book, Holden portrays himself as a dark boy who is alone and usually finds himself thinking more than talking. Holden’s cries also portray the failures he has gone through. Not only did he fail almost all his classes, but he does not even have the guts to talk to a girl he has not kept in touch with for a really long time. Personally, I believe Holden’s cries are full of shame for all the past mistakes he has made. Before he does cry, he puts on his red hunting cap. The red hunting cap is a symbol of his younger brother and sister’s hair color. Having that cap on his head makes him remind himself of his own childhood. Throughout the book, we realize that Holden always puts on his red hunting cap when he wants to be isolated from others. Kids find themselves isolating themselves from the problems they face. In a way, Holden is a kid. The red hunting cap makes him childish. That is why he cries before leaving Pency and yells out “sleep tight ya morons”.
Some of your thoughts about Holden’s crying incidents were completely new to me. I haven’t thought of his crying in that light. It was very interesting to read how you interpreted his cries. Reading your weblog helped me reach some new realizations. I agree with you in that Holden’s hunting hat represented Allie and Phoebe’s hair colors. Allie and Phoebe are the two people whom Holden is relatively close to, and they are the only people who Holden genuinely admires. It almost seemed as if Holden put Allie and Phoebe on a pedestal. Putting the hat on was a constant reminder, or imitation of their presence, and I think that he felt more secure whenever he put his hat on. I liked how you brought up the fact that Holden didn’t have the guts to talk to a girl that he hasn’t kept in touch with for a long time. He always told the readers that he felt like calling Jane, but he made up excuses for himself every single time, and ended up never calling her. This was mainly due to his shy and cowardly personality. (187 words)