2012년 2월 13일 월요일

The Cater in the Rye Cover page

I decided to draw my cover page of Holden smoking a cigarette in the streets of New York. As I was reading throughout the book, I realized that Holden is very depressed. He criticizes the people around him, calling them all phony. He isolates himself from the world and even his friends. That is why I drew Holden a lone, smoking his cigarette. The cigarette symbolizes the stress he has built up inside of him. Every time he exhales the smoke, it is him exhaling the stress and getting it out of his system. In the picture, the smoke shape is of duck. The reason for this is because throughout the book, Holden constantly mentions the duck to the taxi drivers. In English class, we learn that repetition means it is something important the author is trying to point out. The ducks could mean freedom, or even moving on. As we all know, the ducks tend to migrate when the climate becomes colder. Maybe, the author is trying to say Holden is trying to migrate from his past and start a new, better life. As you can see, the only object that I have colored in is the red hunting hat Holden has on his head. The reason of this is because the hat symbolizes the color of Allie's and Phoebe's hair color. No matter where he goes, he always has his two beloved siblings along with him. The hat gives him security and acts as a barrier for Holden. We realize that he always puts on his hat when he feels lonely or uneasy. Also, I drew Holden with the ear flaps down. There is an instance in the book, when Holden is walking on the streets and puts his earflaps down. To me, I believe he is doing so because he is muting the world out. 

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  2. I really like your creative cover page! I think you drew a lot of the important symbols that appeared in the novel. The idea about the cigarette was very fascinating to me. That was his way of releasing his stress. Maybe another reason why the ducks are exhaled out of the smoke is to represent how he wanted to “release” the ducks. The ducks symbolized Holden, and he wanted to have freedom and wanted to be set free. As a result, Holden would be giving the ducks independence that he wanted. I like your idea on how you only colored his hat. The hat had significant symbolism throughout the novel. Like you said, the hat represented Allie and Phoebe protecting him. Holden was still immature and had to have someone by his side. He wanted the people he loved the most to look out for him. Also, the earflaps you drew are unique. This can also connect to the idea that he wanted to be a “deaf-mute.” Holden didn’t want to hear about the corrupt world and like you mentioned, “he is muting the world out.”
